About Level Up

Meet Duaa

Duaa Fahmy is commonly known for her reflective and fun loving personality. In her sixth year of coaching, she officially started her business and became more nationally recognized. Duaa mentored actively for 15 years prior to receiving her formal life coach training from the Martha Beck Certification Program. Her science background and love for research enhances her ability to coach using best practices in leadership, growth, mental health, and vision planning. Duaa Fahmy is trained in Culturally Relevant Education, Love and Logic, and continually studies the deen from personal coaches in the fields of Arabic, Quran, and Islamic coaches. In 2017, Duaa founded a women empowerment group called Ummah Movement Institute to research academic, behavioral, and spiritual components empowering Muslim women. She is actively working to empower women on a personal and systematic basis. Duaa Fahmy loves leveling up her community and takes her interaction with YOU to the next level!

Duaa specializes in personal development, leadership and vision coaching. With clients, she explores and disrupts their most disturbing limiting beliefs and incorporates empowering affirmations. From there, Duaa guides her clients towards a path of clarity with action items, self-fulfilling practice, and solution-based journeys. On a more advanced level, she restructures her client’s multidimensional life and reassesses the milestones and failures on a weekly basis, until her client can attain their goals successfully. In short, by Allah’s Might, Duaa elevates her client’s state of living.

“…Surely Allah does not change the conditions in which a people are in until they change that which is in themselves…”

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is life coaching?

A Life Coach is an accountability partner invested in your personal growth and development. We help our clients identify limiting beliefs holding them back from fulfilling their best life. We construct affirmations with our clients to defeat negative thoughts and promote positive and sustainable actions. Each life coach has a niche in which they best to service their clients.

Q: How do I know I need life coaching or therapy?

Generally speaking of you believe to be troubled by a trauma that is engraved in the past that has yet to be processed, I recommend you see a therapist. The intensity of the trauma, anxiety, or depression is what defines which care taker to seek. Life coaching aids those who are looking for personal growth, vision, and clarity. It helps optimize your life and defeat obstacles keeping you from attaining your best life.

Q: Does life coaching really work?

It depends on how involved and true the client is to the emotional work taking place. If the effort of the life coach is more than that of the client, it will not be successful. However, if the client takes on the work wholeheartedly, it is a very effective method of cognitive transformation.

Q: What is the difference between life coaching and therapy?

Life Coaching concentrates primarily on overcoming habits of the present self and future steps to take. We tap into the past slightly to gain an understanding of the limiting belief and its depth. We are very focused on discovering future aligned action. We also guide our clients to solutions and epiphanies using the inquiry process. We don't tell our clients what they are feeling Therapy includes discovery of the future, but focuses a lot on processing and validating present and past self. Therapists take time to uncover past traumas and recover from those traumas first. Therapists take a more dominant role in identifying the problem and solution.

Q: Can I see a life coach while I see a therapist?


Q: What is your niche?

My strength is implementing organizational techniques and habits, creating clarity of thought, and developing a vision. I best service women looking to take their progress up a notch. These are women who are generally successful, but find a block in the road that often causes disclarity and a lack of progress. I also service women who are looking for a transformational pivot in a life that seems to be stagnant and not fulfilling.

Q: Why do I have to enroll in a package first?

Typically, the success of a client rides heavily on regular sessions and accountability in the beginning. If clients decide to attend sessions as they please, lost progress and lack of efficiency ensue.

Q: How do I know which life coaching package is right for me?

Depending on the extent in which you want to get involved in your life coaching experience, you will choose a package that fits the level of information, communication, and involvement. Duaa Fahmy will guide you to understand the convenience and limitations of each package customized to your needs.

Q: Are there discounts or payment plans?

Presently there are no discounts. After assessing the situation, a payment plan may be suggested, but it is not open for all packages.

Q: Do you recommend I enroll my child?

Typically, the answer will be no. The best client is one who is independent of others. They are responsible for their time and money. This gives them more incentive to follow through. More importantly, they are doing it because they want to, not because their parent wants this for them. However, in some cases, there are children who are driven and want this for themselves and are cognizant of the monetary investment or in place for them to exclusive it. If this were the case, the youngest age to be accepted as a client is 12 years old.